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Avantgarde | Web Design | Art Direction 

La Española

Every olive used to craft La Española’s s olive oil is proudly
nurtured in a Spanish olive grove. Oliography is a tool that can locate the exact farm, and even the exact tree where the olives were grown and harvested by simply entering the LOT number from the back of the bottle.


We were challenged to tell this story by creating an online experience. The goal was to show the journey of the olive through emotion, human senses and authenticity.


Making the site scroll horizontally and creating bespoke illustrations and audio, allowed us to explore unique online storytelling that was different with every bottle. These touches enhanced the feeling of going on a heritage journey. We also filmed original content in Andalusia during the harvest to make sure we encapsulated every aspect of the process from farm to botteling.


In-store activations and social media helped drive traffic to the online platform which was supported across desktop, mobile and tablet.

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Video by Daniel Fazio at Loft Films

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